On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:03:37 -0300 "Alex Queiroz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 13 Feb 2007 10:50:55 -0200, Mario Domenech Goulart
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I don't know exactly what "Page Index" is, but my guess is that you
> > want an index of all wiki pages.  In this case, you can always get a
> > local copy of the wiki repository (see 
> > http://chicken.wiki.br/svn%20checkout).
>      I hope I'm not sounding too harsh, but that's less than
> desirable. Maybe it's because I'm a chicken newbie and so I'm trying
> to get all the information I can, which right now is harder than it
> should be.

Folks here are open to suggestions.  If you think something can be
improved, you can always suggest it here in the mailing list or in the
bugtracker at http://trac.callcc.org.

>      BTW, I can't do an anonymous checkout using the instructions
> provided in that page.

Strange.  I just tried it here and it works.  What errors do you get?

I've tried 

    $ svn checkout 

Best wishes,

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