Hi folks,

On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:27:30 +0200 "felix winkelmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 4/19/07, Andre Kuehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > A reinstall of all eggs could then be done like this:
> >
> > 1) get the list of all installed eggs
> > 2) write the list to a file
> > 3) remove/uninstall all installed eggs
> > 4) install all missing eggs from the list
> >
> > So in case of an error, repeating step 4) would always do the right.
> > Some possible options for chicken-setup to support this:
> >
> > * output the names of all installed eggs
> > * update:
> >    - if egg-names are supplied (on the commandline):
> >      - install missing eggs
> >      - update all given eggs with available updates
> >    - otherwise update all installed eggs with available updates
> Thanks for the suggestions, Andre. I will probably create a separate tool
> (egg) that does these sort of things.

Here's a hook for me to ask a question: how to list the installed
eggs?  I mean the "real" eggs names.

I'd expect "chicken-setup -l" to list only the names I've installed
with "chicken-setup <egg>".  So I could just execute something like

  $ chicken-setup -d `chicken-setup -l | awk '{print $1}'`

to reinstall all eggs.

Currently "chicken-set -l" lists more names than what we actually have
in the remote repository (at call/cc.org).  Example:
  $ chicken-setup mathh

  $ chicken-setup -l | grep mathh
  mathh                         Version: 1.9 (Release 200704172112)
  mathh-float                   Version: 1.9
  mathh-int                     Version: 1.9

If I try "chicken-setup mathh-int", chicken-setup will fail because
there's no such an egg in the remote repository (although it is listed
as installed on the local repo).

As far as I understand, an egg may be a set of extensions, and
"chicken-setup -l" lists all the extensions, not only eggs names.

Maybe we should have an option to list only the "real" eggs names, or
change "-l" to do so.

Or maybe I'm missing something really obvious... :-)

Best wishes,

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