2009/4/16 Neil Baylis <neil.bay...@gmail.com>:
> Re processes/pipes, I had found those by looking in the manual, but am not
> yet sharp enough in scheme to understand them. It looks as though
> (process...) is what I need, but I'm not sure how to use it.

It will give you "ports" for stdin/stdout.  e.g. (example to ssh to a
server, start a process and interact with it):

(let-values ([(recv-port send-port connppid) (process "ssh
rutle...@neutron \"cd prj/dscm/services; ./x10-wish\"")])
then you can send and receive stuff, e.g.

(display "hey there" send-port)
(let ([response (read recv-port)])
 ... figure out what to do with it ...)

This chapter provides a starting overview of I/O in Scheme in general
(not Chicken-specific):


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