2009/4/22  <nefi...@gmail.com>:
> Thank you, Thomas and John, for the kind replies.
> I'm using Chicken 4.
> So, I imagine I can stick with syntax-rules until I run into a situation
> where I need something else, at which point I can either try define-macro
> (if I use this, do I need to explicitly gensym?)

A situation not mentioned above where you may prefer something else,
even if not breaking hygiene, is when your macro would be better off
written in procedural style; syntax-rules' exclusive reliance on
pattern matching sometimes leads to byzantine code.  This will be
obvious when you hit it.

define-macro is not available in Chicken 4.  Explicit renaming is
supported by the core.  Documentation on ER is available at
.  The eggs and the Chicken core are good places to see working

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