Peter Bex <> writes:

> The TOC is supposed to be hyperlinked to the sections automatically.
> I don't see the point of making links out of the section headers.
> Also, links to what?  It looks like now you are making section headers
> link to themselves or something weird like that.

I'm working on an egg that provides an interface to the Yelp developer
API.  There's basically three groups of calls, each of which has its own
documentation page over at Yelp.  What I thought I'd try was to make my
section head titles, URLs that pointed over to Yelp.  But when I did
that, whatever auto-generates the TOC produced bizarro links in the TOC.
What I might have expected is the TOC code would parse the markup and
generate names taken from the "yy" portion of the "[[xx|yy]]" markup.

Total non-problem.  I just moved the links into the text.


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