I'm having trouble reading back a float from a file that I just wrote:

(use endian-port)

(let ([outp (port->endian-port (open-output-file "eptest"))])
        (endian-port-write-ieee-float32 outp 5.25)
        (close-endian-port outp))

(let ([inp (port->endian-port (open-input-file "eptest"))])
        (print (endian-port-read-ieee-float32 inp))
        (close-endian-port inp))

it returns #f.

This was with chicken 3, but I managed to compile that egg for chicken
4 as well, and it acts the same:

/usr/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode   -O2 -d0 -s -o
endian-port.so endian-port.scm endian_lowio_wrap.c endian_lowio_lib.c
floatformat.c endian_lowio.scm -lchicken -ldl -lm

#;1> (load "endian-port.so")
; loading endian-port.so ...
; loading /usr/lib64/chicken/4/iset.so ...

so apparently porting that egg is going to be fairly trivial.  Maybe
I'll give it a shot if someone will create the directory under

Functions like endian_lowio_read_int8 return by value, but
endian_lowio_read_ieee_float32 set a value into a passed pointer, so
wonder why that is... anyway seems to be where the problem is.  Maybe
it's done that way because of NaN?  But usually NaN is a valid value,
and can be tested for with isnan().

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