Felix <fe...@call-with-current-continuation.org> writes:
>> Hey, that's great news! I guess I'll initiate the registration process then
>> unless you or Ivan would like to take charge of it?
> I'd appreciate if you could take that in your hands.

Gladly so! I already registered an account and am now able to register a
project. The following options are available:

* Booth in the exhibition
* Developer room
* Both 

I guess I'll just go for both and see what we can get? Developer rooms
may be used for staying overnight so that could potentially save some
money / trouble :) 

>> This is gonna be fun :)
> Yeah! I insist that we're all going to wear chicken costumes.
> It will be wonderful.

Let's do it that way, we can surely buy them from the enormous budget of
The Chicken Scheme Foundation?

BTW: I could print a few postes. Any ideas as to what we could put on
them? Are there any licensing / copyright issues regarding the Chicken
Scheme logo?


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