On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 08:37:59PM -0500, Jim Ursetto wrote:
> Does this mean for every egg that uses the irregex API directly, I
> need to insert this [cond-expand] blob of code?

You have three options:
- Add a dependency on the regex egg and keep doing
   (require-library regex)(import irregex) like before
- Insert this blob of code to ensure it works with old and new Chickens
- Drop the blob if you don't care about older Chickens.

> There is some inconsistency in the docs:
> irregex-match-num-submatches: Returns the number of numbered
> submatches that are defined in the
> irregex or match object.
> irregex-match-valid-index?: Returns {{#t}} iff the {{index-or-name}}
> named submatch or index is defined in the {{match}} object.
> But below, *-valid-index? says undefined when *-num-submatches says defined:

Hm, I'll have to take this up with Alex, it looks like a bug indeed.

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