From: Jim Ursetto <>
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Installing data files for eggs
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 17:38:44 -0500

> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 01:11, Felix
> <> wrote:
>> IIRC, debian only allows post-installation changes to VARDIR. Does this
>> apply to DATADIR as well? Where do you (Peter, Jim) see this data files
>> to be copied to on egg-installation?
> I have no idea about either VARDIR or DATADIR.  I have just been
> installing stuff
> into directories under (chicken-home), which on my system is e.g.
> "/usr/local/chicken-4/share/chicken".  So chicken-doc stuff goes into
> (chicken-home)/chicken-doc.  That's not done by the installer of
> course, but I'd like
> to get chickadee installing stuff in the same area via the installer.
> I see Peter is using (installation-prefix), like (list
> (installation-prefix) "share" "chicken" "slatex").  I am not sure if
> (list (chicken-home) "slatex") is always correct but it seems to
> produce the same results in this case.

Well, the question is whether it is allowed on systems that use a
strict policy on what directories can be written to on installation
(my terminology may be wrong). So on debian systems the egg repository
ends up somewhere in /var. What I'd like to know whether the same
policy applies to $PREFIX/share, or more precisely: should the data be
installed there or in /var ? Installing in the normal repository path
($PREFIX/lib/chicken/$BINVERSION or $PREFIX/var/<whatever>) is
no big deal, and any extension can already install subdirectories
by simple putting the directory name in the files-list in


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