Dear Chicken Fans!

Thank you very much for all your replies during the last week(s).
I have updated the portability page accordingly. If you miss your
operating system in there or are running a newer version or what
not please don't be afraid to change it. It's a wiki and you don't
need to authenticate to change it.

The url is

I have received a total of 30 reported chicken installs in use:

| # Users | Operating System |
|       1 | FreeBSD          |
|       1 | Haiku            |
|      13 | Linux            |
|       6 | Mac OS X         |
|       1 | NetBSD           |
|       4 | OpenBSD          |
|       2 | Windows/mingw    |
|       2 | Windows/cygwin   |

| # Users | Architecture |
|       1 | MIPS         |
|       4 | PPC          |
|      19 | x86          |
|       6 | x64          |

| # Users | Chicken Version |
|       3 |           4.6.3 |
|       5 |           4.6.2 |
|       1 |           4.6.1 |
|      14 |           4.6.0 |
|       1 |           4.5.7 |
|       5 |           4.5.0 |
|       1 |           4.2.0 |

Now let's hear some speculations on what this all means. I would
also love to hear from some peculiar hardware you are running chicken
on. I know some of you do.

Kind regards,


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