Am Mittwoch, den 27.10.2010, 09:53 -0700 schrieb Kon Lovett:
> > I recently noticed that several of the ##sys# prefixes have been
> > eliminated recently (elsewhere in the code).
> ?.

Sorry, no traces left.  Just noticed on my way.

> At worst it might be a case of making sure the overwrite
> > happens early enough, at least before the caching.
> That would need to be very early indeed:
> (define string-operation
>    (let ((strop1 strop1)
>          (strop2 strop2) )
>      ... code using stropN ... ) )
> is a very common idiom.

Sure, I know.

> Requires changes to chicken.h & runtime.c plus probably there are some  
> assumptions about memory layout scattered about.

I'm very aware of that.  ;-)

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