From: Hugo Arregui <>
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] upgrading to 4.6.0 in Arch
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 10:05:46 -0300

> Thanks!
> I'm not sure if it's a problem of my install, but I found this:
> (c)2008-2010 The Chicken Team
> (c)2000-2007 Felix L. Winkelmann
> Version 4.6.0
> linux-unix-gnu-x86 [ manyargs dload ptables ]
> compiled 2010-11-09 on archlinux (Linux)
> ; loading ./.csirc ...
> #;1> (use charconv)
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> ; loading /usr/lib/chicken/5/ ...
> Error: unbound variable: make-hash-table
>       Call history:
>       <syntax>          (quote charconv)
>       <syntax>          (##core#quote charconv)
>       <syntax>          (import charconv)
>       <syntax>          (import scheme chicken extras regex ports posix 
> srfi-69 iconv)
>       <syntax>          (import scheme chicken extras foreign)
>       <syntax>          (##core#undefined)
>       <syntax>          (##core#undefined)
>       <syntax>          (##core#undefined)
>       <syntax>          (##core#undefined)
>       <eval>    (##sys#require (quote charconv))      <--
> It works if I add srfi-69 previously.

charconv imports but does not load srfi-69. I'll fix this (I guess Alex
will not have a problem with that) and tag a new version (1.3.3).

Thanks for reporting this.


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