On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 09:09:25AM -0500, Felix wrote:
> From: Alan Post <alanp...@sunflowerriver.org>
> Subject: [Chicken-users] obscure error message after refactoring
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 06:58:27 -0700
> > 
> > I don't have an explicit call to caddr anywhere in my code, and I
> > believe the following line:
> > 
> >           <syntax>          (##core#set! genturfahi-version "trunk")
> > 
> > Refers to the last line in the last file of my library.
> > 
> > I've been looking over diffs trying to see if I've introduced a
> > subtle scope or syntax error somewhere, but I'm not having much
> > luck.
> > 
> > What do I do with an error message like the one above?  It isn't
> > obvious to me where I need to look to fix the problem.
> > 
> This is an expansion error in a macro, or it's an internal
> compiler error. The code runs correctly when interpreted?

The code runs differently when interpreted!  It isn't currently
matching any of my .peg files, but it does run to completion.  I
keep in my tests/ directory both .peg and .scm versions of my parsers.
Normally, I use the .scm versions of my parsers to pinpoint precise
problems in the code, as a failure to compile a .peg file is really
just "there's a problem somewhere."

I haven't tried yet running my tests from the interpreter to see
exactly what is not working like I expect.

I did, for this change, include the matchable egg.  I took some
extra time checking to make sure I was using it correctly, though
the error could still be in how I'm using that API.  I believe it is
the only difference in macro-using code I've changed.  It's a fair
hint anyway.

.i ko djuno fi le do sevzi

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