On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 10:21:05PM -0700, Alan Post wrote:
> I'm trying to use the matchable egg to detect #!key parameters in
> functions I've constructed.  I have functions that accept multiple
> #!key parameters, and I'm not sure how to make the matchable egg
> match |(func ... mykey: myvalue ...)|.  That is, how to get the
> matchable egg to match two parameters anywhere in an input list.
> This is what I've got so far.  I am interested in whether the
> #!key paramater 'a' is set to #t:
>   (use matchable)
>   (pretty-print (map
>     (match-lambda
>       ((_ 'a: #t . _) '(0 #t))
>       ((_ ... 'a: #t) '(1 #t))
>       (_              #f))
>     '((foo)
>       (foo bar)
>       (foo a: #f)
>       (foo a: #f b: #t)
>       (foo a: #f b: #t c: #t)
>       (foo a: #f c: #t b: #t)
>       (foo b: #t a: #f c: #t)
>       (foo b: #t c: #t a: #f)
>       (foo a: #t)
>       (foo a: #t b: #t)
>       (foo a: #t b: #t c: #t)
>       (foo a: #t c: #t b: #t)
>       (foo b: #t a: #t c: #t)
>       (foo b: #t c: #t a: #t))))
>   (exit)
> This works for every case except when the #!key I want to match
> appears in the middle of a list of arguments, as happens in the
> second-to-last case I'm trying to match.
> Is there a way to make match work in this case?  What pattern
> should I add to match values anywhere in the list, not just the
> front and end?

I've solved my problem by matching every sublist of my argument
list until I find the pattern I'm looking for:

  (use matchable)
  (use srfi-1)

  (define (key-match? pat r)
    (or r (match pat
            (`(a: #t . ,_) #t)
            (_             #f))))

  (pretty-print (map
      ((_ . args) (pair-fold key-match? #f args))
      (_ #f))
      (foo bar)
      (foo a: #f)
      (foo a: #f b: #t)
      (foo a: #f b: #t c: #t)
      (foo a: #f c: #t b: #t)
      (foo b: #t a: #f c: #t)
      (foo b: #t c: #t a: #f)
      (foo a: #t)
      (foo a: #t b: #t)
      (foo a: #t b: #t c: #t)
      (foo a: #t c: #t b: #t)
      (foo b: #t a: #t c: #t)
      (foo b: #t c: #t a: #t))))

(The match-lambda here is wordier in my real example, I know it is
pointless in this example.)

.i ko djuno fi le do sevzi

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