On 02/16/11 15:04, Andy Bennett wrote:

> This bash command, executed inside a git repo, should do the trick:
> -----
> for b in `git branch -a --no-color | sed -e 's/^*//' -e
> 's/^\s*\(\S*\).*/\1/'` ; do echo " * On `echo $b | sed -e
> 's#^remotes/##'`:"; git log --pretty=format:'   * (%h): %s (%an, %ar)'
> --since="1 week ago" $b; echo ""; done;
> -----
> It's a one-liner.

That's a good start! Perfect! It doesn't seem to *do* anything for me
(the first sed seems to turn the output of git branch into just as many
blank lines) but, ah, we can work on such details ;-)

> You might get commits appearing in more than one place if the branches
> overlap.

That's fine, the human can easily tidy up such niggles.


Alaric Snell-Pym

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