On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Christian Kellermann
<ck...@pestilenz.org> wrote:
> Newcomers, please have a look and if you happen to have some spare
> time, get me some feedback on what can be improved.

Wow. These are great resources. Thank you! :)

For now, a few comments about the chickenista guide (html slides):

  * slide 3, (elevator pitch), I would add a bullet point containing,
"Friendly and involved community." Also, maybe put the "Hello, World"
example on its own page, and use (print) instead of (display)

  * slide 5: s/packages/Chicken distributions/ (otherwise people might
think you're talking about eggs)

  * slide 12: put ":P" after "rotten eggs"

  * slide 17: s/benefits by/benefits of/ and s/A magnitude/An order of

  * slide 18: Did you mean to add more to the 2nd bullet point? Or
maybe "utils"?

  * slide 22: I don't understand the first bullet point (about "units").

  * slide 23: maybe put the name "Chickadee" at the top?

  * slide 35: 3rd bullet may not be displaying correctly. I get
"chicken-install -deploy will copy all dependencies into th at"


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