On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 09:21:15PM +0200, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:
> On Sep 27 2011, Peter Bex wrote:
> >On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 03:22:06PM +0200, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:
> >>While I've been looking at the code I wondered if the C compiler
> >>will fur sure pull that one test out of the for-loop.
> >>
> >>Maybe it's better no have it there at the first place.
> >>IMHO the code is not more confusing to read this way and should
> >>run better in case the C compiler is not smart enough.
> >
> >I'm firmly opposed to any such change that makes the code
> >much less readable for very little gain.
> Please excuse me objecting.
> IMHO the code is not less readable the rewritten way.
> In fact - and so far it's a matter of taste - I would find it less
> confusing.  (Let alone that it's fewer instructions.)
> However I'm quite old school.  If I can tell the compiler something
> and not rely on the compilers cleverness, I'll do so.  (And NOT do so
> iff I want to create a test case for the compiler.)
> In the case at hand I applied something which would have been typical
> educational example in the late 70th: pull conditionals out of
> frequently executed code if you can.
> Is there anybody on the list who has a test case at hand, which would
> exercise cons/list operations or initialisation code?  (Mine would be
> suspicious in this case.)  Looking at "alternativ" compilers (besides
> gcc) would be very nice.
> The chance, which - depending on taste, would make the code either more
> comprehensible or less - could have an actual effect.  That would be
> the final argument in my case.

FWIW I agree with Jörg'sreasoning.  I've spend a fair bit of my C
programming time removing conditional code from loops.  It has been
a few years since I tested, but when I was actively writing C code,
removing opportunities for the branch predictor to fail measurably
sped up code.

I don't have enough data to say that it matters in this case, but in
principle it surely does.  Jörg's code is "obvious" to me in the
manner of "ah, that's removing a conditional from inside the for

BTW, I've loved reading the comments and patches suddenly flying
around the mailing list.  I'm learning a lot about Chicken and am
particularly interested to see which parts of the system apparently
receive attention and which aren't being changed. 

.i ma'a lo bradi cu penmi gi'e du

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