FYI, I've updated this script. It's now far, far faster than it was. That
is to say, there's no longer a completion delay on my netbook.


On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 8:06 PM, Daniel Leslie <> wrote:

> Perhaps of some interest is the work I've put into my Emacs scripts for
> Chicken.
> I've had consistent problems with SLIME and Chicken on Windows, which may
> or may not be the result of my (heavily) modified Emacs environment.
> Moreover, on my Ubuntu netbook SLIME is just a little too sluggish for my
> tastes; when all I really want is auto-complete completions as I type away
> on a shaky bus ride.
> As such, I wrote some scripts to use chicken-status and csi to produce a
> list of available bindings from your installed modules and the base chicken
> environment, and it in turn produces an auto-complete source. It also
> provides font-locking for these symbols.
> Anyhow, more info is on the wiki:
> Likewise, I occasionally do some work on Eggs which involves a lot of
> intermixed C and Scheme in the same source file. Here's my (ugly)
> multi-mode hack to do C and Scheme major modes in the same buffer:
> Thanks for Chicken!
> -Dan
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