Hi John,

* John Long <codeb...@inbox.lv> [121115 18:14]:
> Hi,
> I just spent a couple days attempting to get chicken installed on OpenBSD
> MIPS. I am new to scheme and chicken sounds fantastic from what I read
> because it compiles to C, which is just what I need on a weird platform like
> MIPS. I tried the test program in the doc with csc and it broke because of
> the unresolved references to pthread entry points. This is not your problem,
> please bear with me and I will explain what I am trying to do.
> OpenBSD has a build system and on the current release (5.2) there is a
> problem in the build for chicken (2.6) in that libchicken does not get
> linked with libpthread. I know this is the issue because I can build it on
> OpenBSD current and libchicken has libpthread linked and I don't get the
> error. I am not familiar with UNIX or OpenBSD's builds enough to fix it
> right so I monkeyed around with some of the builds Makefile settings and it
> finally works. Surprisingly (and so you don't bring out the cluebat) I even
> tried the build that works on OpenBSD current on the 5.2 release version and
> the identical build doesn't work on 5.2. There are a lot of changes in
> current and I don't know enough to track down what's going on.

That version is way outdated. There is a more recent chicken port in
the WIP ports git tree.

Regardless of that chicken builds just fine on the loongson. I am
running it there myself. Just grab the latest release tarball and
build that one.

The current version is 4.8.0.

Tarballs can be found at http://code.call-cc.org



In the world, there is nothing more submissive and weak than
water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong, nothing can
surpass it. --- Lao Tzu

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