On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Sungjin Chun <chu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you very much. :-)
> My proposed hack(yes, no solution) just works for me but I found that it
> is just wrong w.r.t RFC.
> I'll try your modification and and let you know whether it works or not.
> Thank you again.
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Ivan Raikov <ivan.g.rai...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Sungjin,
>>    Thanks for trying to use the uri-generic library. As Peter already
>> pointed out, uri-generic and uri-common are intended to implement RFC 3986
>> (URIs), and so far no effort has been done to support RFC 3987 (IRIs).
Interesting, I wasn't even aware of RFC 3987.  Note that this extension
only applies to new schemes - in particular IRIs cannot be used for HTTP.

> However, the IRI RFC does define a mapping from IRI to URI, where Unicode
>> characters in IRIs are converted to percent  encoded UTF-8 sequences. The
>> caveat here is that if you try to decode these percent-encoded sequences
>> they will likely result in invalid URI characters. I have prototyped a
>> procedure iri->uri which attempts to percent-encode all UTF-8 sequences in
>> the input string and create a URI. You can see it here:
This shouldn't be needed.  Sungjin was using uri-common, which already
percent-encodes UTF-8 sequences, which is what is desired.

Sungjin - going back to your original question, what did you try and
what did it do differently from what you expected?  This should just be

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