
Andrei Barbu <and...@0xab.com> writes:
> I put up an egg that has high-performance redis bindings using
> hiredis. It's much faster (>100x)  than the current egg and it doesn't
> suffer from timeout issues. Provides a pretty bare-bones API.

cool, I wasn't aware of hiredis!

> I've put up docs on the wiki:
> https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/redis

You mention "Note that you will need to fetch the git submodules in this
package." -- I wonder if the .tar.gz includes the checked out
submodules, too? Otherwise it won't work with the eggs infrastructure
I'm afraid. We'll know in a bit though :-)

> Could someone make this accessible via chicken-install? Thanks!


> I'd also appreciate if someone had a look at the
> meta/release-info/setup files and let me know if I'm doing something
> inappropriate.

Looks fine AFAICS. You can remove the `egg', `files' and `doc-from-wiki'
clauses from the meta file, though. They are not needed anymore.

FYI, I also made a Redis egg once which I never released because I
didn't need it eventually and then I couldn't be bothered to finish it
up and write documentation for it :-) I took a slightly different
approach in providing a high-level API which exposes each Redis command
as a Scheme function. You can find the code here


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