> To fix the case I rather urgently need to find at least two locations,
where I dare to replicate my notes wrt. to my personal privacy.  One
already secured; so one more whom I can trust not to embarrass me by
leaking info taking as a "remembrance to myself".  Preferable outside

Are you saying that you require access to a physical server outside of
Germany, on which you may bootstrap instances of Askemos to act as
replication peers?

If so, I'm sorry to say that I'm stuck on a slow residential cable line and
haven't the cash to spare for the continuous operation of a server. Between
my wife's tuition and the mortgage, we're rather tight for cash.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Jörg F. Wittenberger <
joerg.wittenber...@softeyes.net> wrote:

> Hello <$all>,
> we've been recently in touch regarding Askemos.  Now I might need
> some help, if you can.
> Until Wed, 23 Jan 2013 15:55:00 +0100 the Askemos cloud ran on
> a rather healthy mix of peers.
> "Pardon me?" }:-|  ??? …
>  On Jan 18 2013, Daniel Leslie wrote:
>>  A little off-topic for this list, but it comes up now and then so I'll
>>> dive into it. Every time Askemos comes up I get a deep curiousity that has
>>> me exclaiming "What is this thing?!" Especially after perusing pages like
>>> this one <http://askemos.org/**Ad60e3fb123a79b2e5128915116b28**
>>> 8f7/index.html/?_v=footnote&_**id=1223<http://askemos.org/Ad60e3fb123a79b2e5128915116b288f7/index.html/?_v=footnote&_id=1223>
>>> >.
>> …
>>> And, erm, what are the minimal steps for bootstrapping a server which can
>>> collaborate on this *ethical cloud*?
> …An almost healthy mix, that is.  For historic reasons three of
> those eight peers of the development network, which originally where
> at different locations, ended up behind a single point of failure.  Since
> the system promises fail-stop, I can't even add a note into my blog.
>  Given the trouble I expect more.  In case of trouble: all URL's
>  given here would/could/should be served from several locations.
>  *IF* the URL after the askemos.org part starts with an
>    "A[0-9a-f]{32}" path step, just replace the prefix with
>  any other replica and retry.  Odds are 5:8.
>  For hosts still visible see appendix.
>    So find the reference cited above under
> http://login.softeyes.net/**Ad60e3fb123a79b2e5128915116b28**
> 8f7/index.html/<http://login.softeyes.net/Ad60e3fb123a79b2e5128915116b288f7/index.html/>
> or it's alternatives while I'm fixing the DNS etc.
> @Ian Grigg and Allison Stellíng: the same applies to the not-so-private
> message I just sent out minutes before the disaster happend. Find the
> "one-pager"-message wrt. system theory under hash code:
> A5ae3c14013b6fe38b4aa66a2697e0**97f that would be e.g.
> http://login.softeyes.net/**A5ae3c14013b6fe38b4aa66a2697e0**97f<http://login.softeyes.net/A5ae3c14013b6fe38b4aa66a2697e097f>or
> http://peanut.softeyes.net:**7080/**A5ae3c14013b6fe38b4aa66a2697e0**97f<http://peanut.softeyes.net:7080/A5ae3c14013b6fe38b4aa66a2697e097f>[the
>  latter being a plug computer at home only].
> I just wanted to add a forgotten note beneath the T&C DISCLAIMER
> http://cl.softeyes.net:8080/**A5ae3c14013b6fe38b4aa66a2697e0**
> 97f/Systems%20in%20Genetic%**20Autopoesis<http://cl.softeyes.net:8080/A5ae3c14013b6fe38b4aa66a2697e097f/Systems%20in%20Genetic%20Autopoesis>
> This: "The hypothesis wrt. cancer would be that the strict rule
> *no communication along the diagonal* where shortcut.
> Leading into a 'thermodynamic chaos'."
> When those three peers disappeared.
> ## The Needs - Short Term
> To fix the case I rather urgently need to find at least two
> locations, where I dare to replicate my notes wrt. to my personal
> privacy.  One already secured; so one more whom I can trust
> not to embarrass me by leaking info taking as a "remembrance to
> myself".  Preferable outside Germany.
> ## Minimum requirements
> BALL became a bit like the Swiss-army knife wrt. small scale
> ISP needs not having a solutions widely deployed for a reason.
> For operation it needs to bind to a port at the moment.
> Run as some isolated user it needs to be able to maintain the
> contents of one directory.
> ## Participate - Long Term
> The more parties joining the network, the better it should help
> with privacy, safety and autonomy.
> ### Regarding the Healthiness
> So far we had
> ♣: AMD64, i386, ARM
> ♠: Chicken, Rscheme
> ♡: FreeBSD, Linux
> ♢: GPL, BSD
> for symbols see A5ae3c14013b6fe38b4aa66a2697e0**97f , the
> "not so private" draft message.
> Thanks for your time.
> /JFW
> ## Hosts Still Visible
> http://login.softeyes.net
> http://isstvan.softeyes.net:**7080/ <http://isstvan.softeyes.net:7080/>
> http://cl.softeyes.net:8080/
> http://peanut.softeyes.net:**7080/ <http://peanut.softeyes.net:7080/>
> .................
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