Hey Hugo,

Yeah, that example wasn't working for me either. If you put "(use easyffi)"
at the top of the file though, it should work. Note that easyffi is
deprecated, use bind <http://api.call-cc.org/doc/bind> instead:

(use bind)
(bind* "double modf(double x, ___out double *iptr);")
(let-values ([(frac int) (modf 33.44)])
    (print frac " " int))

I'm afraid I don't understand what Kon means either...

If 64-bit integers are all you need, perhaps you can use the foreign type
unsigned-integer64? I'm guessing the C compiler will handle that even if
you're on a 32bit system. I'm not sure how Chicken will handle integer64's
if you're on a 32bit system though.

If you want to continue using your multiword version, you could look into
the u32vector foreign type. It will give you a nice array on the C-side,
and a nice vector on the Chicken side:

(use srfi-4)
(define double->uint64
  (foreign-lambda* void ((double d) (u32vector _o))
    uint32_t* ptr = (uint32_t*)&d;
    _o[0] = ptr[0];
    _o[1] = ptr[1];

(define (double->byte-blob value)
  (let ((out (make-u32vector 2)))
    (double->uint64 value out)

(print (double->byte-blob 1.3) "\n"
       (double->byte-blob 0) "\n"
       (double->byte-blob 1) "\n"
       (double->byte-blob 100))

I don't know if this is a good approach, though. Maybe someone knows how
uint64_t foreign-types are handled on 32bit systems?


On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 1:52 AM, Hugo Arregui <hugo.arre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
> > 1) ..
> > $ csc -X easyffi test.scm -c++; ./test
> >
> > Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse
> >         Call history:
> >         foreign-parse
> >
> > I have no idea of what's going on.
> Could this be a problem in my installation?
> The example in the wiki is not working either:
> #>!
> #ifndef CHICKEN
> #include <math.h>
> #endif
> double modf(double x, ___out double *iptr);
> <#
> (let-values ([(frac int) (modf 33.44)])
>     (print frac " " int))
> //with the same error: "unbound variable: foreign-parse"
> > 2) Then I tried another approach:
> >..
> > Error: bad argument type - not a pointer: 0
> I found a way to do this[1]. But, I found another problem: big int32
> are promoted to flonums, I know that this is an expected behaviour,
> but I have a doubt:
> In a message[2] Kon Lovett writes:
> "Means you want to compile w/ generic-arithmetic & usual-integrations
> when using a foreign call."
> I suposse this is a compiler setting, but I don't now how to enable
> it. Also, I don't know what  "usual-integrations" means, could you
> provide more details please?
> Thanks again, and sorry for bothering you.
> Regards,
> Hugo
> [1] http://pastebin.com/XH5n3V72
> [2]
> http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/chicken-users/2007-05/msg00227.html
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