On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Dan Leslie <d...@ironoxide.ca> wrote:

>  Nice work, contributions are greatly appreciated. :)
> Since you're asking for constructive feedback, two things come to mind:
> It's a matter of taste, but IMHO it's schemier that *descriptive-variable*is 
> preferable to
> *desc-var*, so in your case *s-foo* could easily be *string-foo*.
> However, I would drop the prefix altogether, as Chicken supports renaming
> on import. So *string-foo* would become *foo* and any prefixing is left
> up to the user of your library.
> I'm not certain what you intended by 'official', but if you meant that
> you'd like to see it packaged with Chicken then perhaps you should consider
> switching the license to Chicken's license. Mind you, GPL3 eggs are happily
> accepted, but note that many folks won't touch them for various reasons.
> However, if this is a port of an elisp library then likely re-licensing is
> not an option.

I would love to package this under the BSD license, but as far as my
limited knowledge is concerned, it seems that I must keep the GPL3 license
of the original elisp package. If someone is aware of an alternative
solution, please speak up and I'll change things accordingly.

> Anyhow, thanks for the hard work and the contribution! And welcome to
> Chicken-land, come join us on IRC if you get a chance.

Thanks! It's been a joy working with the chicken community so far :)

- Nick
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