Hi Chickeners!

I have come across a problem with multiple srfi-18 threads when tryping to
listen to UDP sockets:

(use socket)
(set! *socket* (socket af/inet sock/dgram ))
(set! (so-reuse-address? *socket*) #t)
(socket-bind *socket* (inet-address "" 5055))
;; (socket-receive ..) here blocks the prints below
;; after 1 s (about 10 hello's)
(thread-start! (lambda ()
                 (thread-sleep! 1)
                 (print "receiving ...")
                 (print (socket-receive *socket* 1024))
                 (print "done")))

(let loop ()
 (print "hello from main-thread!")
 (thread-sleep! .1)

;; the hello's from the main thread continue after sending a udp packet:
;; $ echo test `date` | socat - UDP-DATAGRAM:,broadcast

The documentation for socket clearly states that socket-receive should not

This call will block until data is available, but other threads can proceed.

What is wrong with my socket fd?

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