On 10 March 2014 20:04, Daniel Carrera <dcarr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to write an R7RS-compliant version. R7RS would give me
> "import", as well as char->integer and integer->char. The problem I'm
> having is that my code does not work when I compile it, or when I use "csi
> -s", but it works perfectly well when I paste it directly into the csi REPL.

After a tip from Erik, I have isolated the issue. The (import) only works
correctly if you first run (use posix). My REPL was loading posix because I
loaded readline. The following code compiles and runs correctly:

(use posix)

; Unicode-safe. Requires an R7RS-compliant Scheme.
(import (srfi 13)) ; String library.

(define msg "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fox.")
(define key 13)

(define (caesar char)
  (define A (char->integer #\A))
  (define Z (char->integer #\Z))
  (define a (char->integer #\a))
  (define z (char->integer #\z))
  (define c (char->integer char))
  (cond ((and (>= c A) (<= c Z)) (integer->char (+ A (modulo (+ key (- c
A)) 26))))
        ((and (>= c a) (<= c z)) (integer->char (+ a (modulo (+ key (- c
a)) 26))))
        (else char))) ; Return other characters verbatim.

(print (string-map caesar msg))

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