I'm trying to create a 'portable' distribution of chicken and am running
into a simple issue. Basically, the built-in library search path isn't
always valid, and csc and csi don't appear to pay attention to

Thus, the following:

bin $ ./csi -n


Error: (string-append) bad argument type - not a string: #f

bin $ echo "(display \"Hello world\")" | ./csc - -o foo

Error: (string-append) bad argument type - not a string: #f

    Call history:

    <syntax>      (##core#begin (display "Hello world"))
    <syntax>      (display "Hello world")    <--

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 17920:
bin/chicken - -output-file foo.c

Alright, so with csi and csc we can get around this by explicitly providing
a -include-path parameter at the command line. But what of installing eggs?
Chicken-install takes no such parameter, and invocations of csc from setup
scripts are not mutable to accept the parameter.

It seems to me that the easy fix would be to import a path from some
environment variable by default. Does such an environment variable exist

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