That is a thing of beauty.

On 31 May 2014 07:52, "Alex Charlton" <> wrote:

> As promised, glls now supports the (optional) automatic generation of
> functions for rendering pipelines. This function generation manifests
> differently depending on whether your file is compiled or evaluated. When
> compiled, rendering functions are compiled to efficient C. When evaluated,
> a generic (not remotely efficient) rendering function is used.
> glls also now provides support for dynamic reevaluating of pipelines in
> such a way that the old program object ID is reused, so that your scene is
> instantly updated.
> Two new examples were added (texture.scm and interactive.scm) to
> illustrate these new features:
> And, of course, the documentation describes these changes in detail:
> glls is now a rather unique library for shader creation. Not only does it
> provide far tighter integration into the host language than the usual
> method for working with shaders, but it also makes few to zero speed
> sacrifices (when compared to hand-written C) even when the automatically
> generated rendering functions are used. These features were very much born
> out of Chicken’s unique strengths – I really can’t imagine combining them
> in any other language or even Scheme implementation. A big thanks to the
> Chicken team for creating a language and environment where this sort of
> thing is possible!
> --
> Alex
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