On 12/14/2014 10:19 PM, John Cowan wrote:
> Bahman Movaqar scripsit:
>>     (use test)
>>     (load "../misc")
>>     (import misc)
>>     (test-group "misc"
>>       ...
>> However when running `chicken-install -test` I get the following error:
>>     Error: (import) during expansion of (import ...) - cannot import
>> from undefined module: misc
> When you aren't in the same directory, the misc.import.scm/.so can't
> be found, which is why the module can't be imported.  If you put the
> test files in the same directory as the main code, then you can just
> (use misc).

Does that mean that there's no way to have tests in the separate
directory or does it require special trickery?
>> Now if I move the (load) and (import) expressions from "misc-tests" to
>> "run", everything works fine. What's the logic behind this behaviour of
>> "include" [1]? I'd appreciate if someone would shed a light on this.
> Essentially, "include" happens at compile time: it is a macro that
> directly incorporates the file you mentioned.  "Load" is a run-time
> operation.  Note that since you are including your individual test file,
> there is no need to "use test" a second time.

Thanks for the information. But I still don't understand why moving
(load) and (import) to "run.scm" makes things work? :-)

Bahman Movaqar

http://BahmanM.com - https://twitter.com/bahman__m
https://github.com/bahmanm - https://gist.github.com/bahmanm
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