Hi Alex-

Thanks for your help.  I originally tried using macports, but it’s kind of 
touchy about things, so I went back to homebrew.

Just to get to a known state, I uninstalled and reinstalled glfw3, which gave 
me libglfw3 in /usr/local/lib.  I then reinstalled chicken, pulled down the 
glfw3 egg, and patched glfw3.setup as Gil mentions below.

Next, I got the soil egg from your github repo, and installed it.

Finally, I did a ‘chicken-install hypergiant’, and it did progress farther, but 
eventually died with:

installing opengl-glew:0.9.1 ...
changing current directory to 
  '/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/' -bnq -setup-mode -e 
"(require-library setup-api)" -e "(import setup-api)" -e 
"(setup-error-handling)" -e "(extension-name-and-version '(\"opengl-glew\" 
\"0.9.1\"))" 'opengl-glew.setup'
Translating glcorearb.h
  '/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/' -feature compiling-extension 
-setup-mode    -s -O3 -d0 opengl-glew.scm -FOpenGL -framework OpenGL -lGLEW -J 
-emit-type-file opengl-glew.types

Warning: can not compute macro type `GL_INVALID_INDEX' (ignored)

Warning: can not compute macro type `GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED' (ignored)
opengl-glew.c:13:10: fatal error: 'GL/glew.h' file not found
#include <GL/glew.h>
1 error generated.

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 256: 'clang' 
'opengl-glew.c' -o 'opengl-glew.o' -c  -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fno-common 
-DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -m64 -DC_ENABLE_PTABLES -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC 
-DPIC -DC_SHARED -FOpenGL -I"/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/"

Error: shell command failed with nonzero exit status 256:

  '/usr/local/Cellar/chicken/' -feature compiling-extension 
-setup-mode    -s -O3 -d0 opengl-glew.scm -FOpenGL -framework OpenGL -lGLEW -J 
-emit-type-file opengl-glew.types

Anyway, I’m really excited to try hypergiant, so I’m happy to do whatever I can 
do to help work out the installation problems on OS X.

> On Jan 9, 2015, at 9:03 AM, Alex Charlton <alex.n.charl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> If you already have GLFW (version 3+) installed,
> Gil Mizrahi writes:
>> try using `chicken-install -r glfw3` to get the source for the glfw3 egg. 
>> then open `glfw3.setup` and change `-lglfw` on line 12 to `-glfw3` and try 
>> to install using `chicken-install`
> It’s just as Gil said. I’m trying to figure out why my GLFW on OS X seemingly 
> installed as libglfw and not libglfw3 as some have reported, so that I can 
> best adjust the setup file. If you can, let me know how you installed GLFW 
> and what name the resulting library file has.
> Gil’s also right about soil not working correctly. You’ll have to install the 
> version from my GitHub for now: 
> https://github.com/AlexCharlton/soil-egg
> Hyperscene also has a bug that seems to manifest itself most strongly on OS 
> X, that I’m also working on right now. You’ll be able to run most things, but 
> somewhat complex scenes will segfault XD
> Thanks for giving Hypergiant a try! I apologize for the inconveniences, but 
> they should be resolved soon!
> -- 
> Alex

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