Hi Peter

> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 08:32:07PM +0900, Tim van der Linden wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > Again, same thing. Before every run I clear out my build area so no 
> > remnants of the previous run remain. In the first few lines of the process 
> > I can see it uses the compiler I set in the variable:
> How do you clear out the build area?  I think you might be doing
> "make clean", but that just cleans the built files, whereas
> "make confclean" will also clean the configuration, which is where
> the C_COMPILER is written to.  This is documented in the README, by
> the way, but the consequences might not be immediately obvious.

Yes...your thinking was correct, I was using the simple old "make clean". I now 
tried "make confclean" as well, but with the same effect, still using the 
default "gcc".
> You can also just try deleting the dir and re-extracting the tarball.
> That will ensure that the build dir is clean.

This crude method seemed the only way to feed a different compiler to the tests.

So, it now perfectly ran on GCC 4.8, the full stats for this machine again:

Debian 8 - 4 Atom CPUs D525 @ 1.80GHz - 4 Gb of DDR2 800 RAM

Total install and test time: 26 minutes and 54 seconds.

- Operating system: Debian 8.1 (Jessie)
- Hardware platform: x86-64
- C Compiler: GCC 4.8.4
- Installation works?: Yes, no errors
- Tests work?: Yes, no errors
- Installation of eggs works?: Yes, no errors (installed the Pastiche egg)

> > To my newbie eyes this looks like 'gcc' is hard-coded in 
> > there...somehow...? Whatever I do, it is picking up the correct compiler on 
> > start, but once the tests run it uses the "default" gcc setting...what am I 
> > messing up here?
> It gets "hardcoded" into chicken-config.h the first time you run make.
> If you run make with a different C_compiler later on, it will only use
> that C compiler to compile the C files, but "csc" will use the C compiler
> from chicken-config.h.  The reason behind this probably is so that you
> can configure a C compiler which is different from the host compiler, for
> example when cross-compiling.
> It sure can be confusing, though :)

Well, since my (cross)compiling knowledge is not that high...I would never had 
caught that myself. Thanks for clearing that up for me and helping me get 
everything tested. Apologies for the noise :)

> Cheers,
> Peter


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