Peter Bex scripsit:

> One problem with MINGW is that it's badly maintained (unless I'm
> mistaken, the most recent binary release is from 2013).  Mingw-w64
> is better maintained, and despite the name it also works on 32 bit
> systems.  I think it does support getc_unlocked.  You can find it
> here:

As part of the Chicken 5 effort, we should consider switching not only
to mingw-w64, but also to MSYS2.  We should also look at Cygwin-64,
as there are probably still parts of the code base that assume that
Cygwin is inherently 32-bit.  (I'm not using Cygwin-64 yet myself,
so there is no hurry on this.)

John Cowan
He made the Legislature meet at one-horse tank-towns out in the alfalfa
belt, so that hardly nobody could get there and most of the leaders
would stay home and let him go to work and do things as he pleased.
    --H.L. Mencken's translation of the Declaration of Independence

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