Does anyone have stand-alone application deployments working via
chicken-install? I'm running into an issue where the binaries for my
executables are in place, but they are linked to the system libchicken. I'm
not sure if this is a bug or I'm using it wrong. I'm seeing this with
Chicken 4.10.0, running on Ubuntu 14.04. I compiled 4.10.0 from the tarball
on the website and have it installed globally. I have an egg setup file
that looks like the following (thanks to Mario Goulart for helping me put
this together):

(define info '((version "0.1")))

(define progs

(for-each (lambda (prog)
            (compile -O3 -d1 ,(make-pathname #f prog "scm")))

(install-program 'prog progs info)


I run the following command to build:

chicken-install -deploy -p <my-app-directory>

All of my dependencies look to be correctly compiled and put into the
specified directory, but there is no libchicken in that directory. The 3
programs above also appear to be linked to the global libchicken

$ ldd <my-app-directory>/bin/prog1 =>  (0x00007fff591fc000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x00007f69474eb000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6947125000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6946e1e000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6946c1a000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f6947acf000)

Am I going about this correctly? Running 'csc -deploy prog1.scm' results in
a correctly linked libchicken binary, but it doesn't look like
chicken-install -deploy uses that.

My goal is a tarball that a user can unzip and run directly without
installing chicken or any other dependencies. Talking with sjamaan on
#chicken, sounds like another option is to not create an egg from the
project and script individual calls to 'csc -deploy ...' and
chicken-install for the dependencies.

For reference. the project I'm having difficulty building can be found on
github here <>.

Thanks for the help!

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