Hi all,

yet another egg I put together, which may be interesting to you (and may
go the coop):


This is a (supposed to be) API compatible version of the
raspberry-pi-gpio egg.

Maybe these modifications should simply be folded into the latter.
That's a matter of choice.  (A choice left to Caolan McMahon, the author
of the latter.)

Why did I feel the alternative may be good?

* The `-small` suffix was chosen because of the reduced dependency list:
no dependencies except for CHICKEN core.

* Throwing together those modifications took me about as much wall clock
time as chicken-install spent on installing the original one including
those dependencies.

* Roughly half the code size.

* Not jumping through various call should always be faster than doing
so.  Thus I'd _expect_ less runtime overhead, which may be important
when controlling sensors.

* Not needing those dependencies should make debugging simpler.

(* Besides: I wonder how the original could ever have worked.  The
example from the documentation runs into >>Error: uncaught exception:
"Unknown mode"<< for an obvious misuse of `case`.)

Have fun


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