On 23.01.2016 23:39, Matt Gushee wrote:
> Hi, James--
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Hefferon, James S. <jheffe...@smcvt.edu 
> <mailto:jheffe...@smcvt.edu>> wrote:
> Thank you for the "script" suggestion.  I apologize but I don't understand it.
> ​I see the problem. I had forgotten that csi has a -script option. I meant
> something entirely different - the 'script' command, which is entirely 
> independent
> of Chicken Scheme​, and is available on most if not all POSIX systems. You 
> use it
> like this:
> $ script /path/to/transcript.file           # You are now in a subshell $ csi 
> #;1> [ doing whatever in Chicken ] #;N> (exit)
> ; exit from REPL $ exit                                             # exit 
> from
> subshell
> You will now have a complete transcript of your csi session, including all 
> the 
> prompts, everything you entered, and all the output. I mentioned that you 
> will 
> probably need to edit the result. That's because script captures raw 
> keystrokes - 
> e.g. if you type
> (defin foo 21)
> and you see you misspelled 'define', and correct it, what you get in your
> transcript will be not
> (define foo 21)
> but rather
> (defin foo 21)^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H e foo 21)

I cannot confirm this *using rlwrap*.

Detail: I am using an alias csii='rlwrap csi', and when using csi this way 
does not capture editing keystrokes.


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