Hi Robert,

On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 19:26:48 -0600 Robert Smiley <yarnoiser...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have created an asynchronous I/O egg for chicken. Would it be
> possible to have it added to the egg-locations file in subversion?
> Here is the repository
> https://github.com/yarnoiser/async-io
> And here is the url for the release-info file specifically.
> https://github.com/yarnoiser/async-io/blob/master/async-io.realease-info
> Hopefully this library will make it easier to read from and write to
> any file descriptor without leaving applications hanging, since all
> srfi-18 threads block when i/o is performed on ports other than tcp
> sockets.
> This library's readers use simple parsers to retrieve completed tokens
> from input files as they become ready. It includes a parser for scheme
> expressions as well as messages which consist of a single line.
> Hopefully this will be of use.

Today I realized that async-io's test was making the Linux salmonella
machines hang.

strace shows that the test process gets stuck on an endless loop running:

  poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 0)     = 0 (Timeout)

I could reproduce the problem on my system with:

  $ for i in `seq 100`; do csi -s run.scm && echo $i; done

It eventually hangs.

Do you know what could be causing this?

All the best.

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