Hi All, 

New to this list and srfi-18 threads.  I want to make use of parameters
in a thread-safe way, but I have run into problems.  It seems to me that
parameters created in one thread cannot be manipulated in a persistent
way from another thread. Here is some example code showing what I mean: 

(use srfi-18) 

 ;; mutex-protect parameter 

(define (make-synchronized-parameter value) 

  (let ((mutex (make-mutex)) 

        (param (make-parameter value))) 

    (lambda args 

      (mutex-lock! mutex) 

      (let ((result (apply param args))) 

        (mutex-unlock! mutex) 


(define *safe-param* (make-synchronized-parameter #f)) (define
*unsafe-global* #f) 

(define (mutate-things) 

  (set! *unsafe-global* 42) 

  (*safe-param* 42) 

  (print "2thread> unsafe-global is "*unsafe-global*" safe-param is

  (thread-sleep! 2) ;; make global safe for test 

  (print "4thread> just before exit unsafe-global is "*unsafe-global*"
safe-param is "(*safe-param*))) 

(define (main) 

  (let* ((thread (make-thread mutate-things))) 

    (print "1main> before thread-start unsafe-global is
"*unsafe-global*" safe-param is "(*safe-param*)) 

    (thread-start! thread) 

    (thread-sleep! 1) ;; make global safe for test 

    (print "3main> before thread-join unsafe-global is "*unsafe-global*"
safe-param is "(*safe-param*)) 

    (thread-join! thread) 

    (print "5main> after thread-join unsafe-global is "*unsafe-global*"
safe-param is "(*safe-param*)))) 


;; actual stdout: 

;; 1main> before thread-start unsafe-global is #f safe-param is #f 

;; 2thread> unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is 42 

;; 3main> before thread-join unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is #f 

;; 4thread> just before exit unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is 42 

;; 5main> after thread-join unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is #f 

;; expected stdout for line 5: 

;; 5main> after thread-join unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is 42 

;; Why does the mutation of a simple global in a thread become visible
to the main thread, but the mutation of global parameter does not? 

;; What is the right way to achieve an thread-safe parameter? 

Thank you! 

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