2017-03-10 10:55 GMT+01:00 Peter Bex <pe...@more-magic.net>:
> Gauche and Racket accept this macro application, Scheme48 rejects it (but
> that's expected, because our syntax-rules is originally from Scheme48).

But Gauche fails like Chibi. They silently ignore the last ellipsis.

$ chibi-scheme
> (define-syntax define-facts
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (name a0 a1 ...) ((v00 v01 ...) (v10 v11 ...) ...))
     '(define (name a0 a1 ...)
          ((== a0 v00) (== a1 v01) ...)
          ((== a0 v10) (== a1 v11) ...)
> (define-facts (fathero f c)
  (("Abraham" "Ismael")
   ("Abraham" "Isaac")
   ("Isaac"   "Jacob")
   ("Jacob"   "Benjamin")))
(define (fathero f c) (conde ((== f "Abraham") (== c "Ismael")) ((== f
"Abraham") (== c "Isaac"))))

MIT and Ikarus succeed like Guile.

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