Hello Diego,

> While I find it a bit odd that someone might want the args behavior
> the way it is (I guess it seems less versatile to me)

I intended it more as "it would be a bug to change the behavior at this
point".  I've looked into this a bit more and discovered that the args
egg is pretty much a frontend to SRFI-37 and doesn't do any parsing
itself.  If the CHICKEN implementation adheres strictly to the reference
implementation provided by its original author, that would suggest a bug
in the SRFI itself.  I've attached a test program reproducing the issue
in the srfi-37 egg.

> I've explored getopts-long per your recommendation and I think I even
> like it more. My only current gripe with getopts-long is that it
> doesn't seem to support passing values to long options with a space
> instead of an "=" (even though one of th examples provided says
> otherwise, the "--apples" "Granny Smith" bit).

Well, that's unfortunate.  I've reported a bug for its printing of long
options recently and my patch got in quickly.  I'd recommend contacting
Ivan Raikov regarding this issue, you can find his contact details on
the wiki[1].


[1]: http://wiki.call-cc.org/users/ivan-raikov

Attachment: test.scm
Description: Lotus Screencam

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