On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 12:41 PM, Peter Bex <pe...@more-magic.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 11:13:54AM -0700, Matt Welland wrote:
> > I'm using Chicken 4.10.0 and with the below script chicken rapidly
> > allocates memory then seems to get stuck:
> Hi Matt,
> Try to update to CHICKEN 4.13.0 first (standard advice, we usually
> fix lots of issues in new versions).  I simply get this after a few
> seconds:
> [panic] out of memory - heap has reached its maximum size - execution
> terminated
> The fix is to increase the maximum allowed heap size using -:hm:
> csi -:hm4G ./test.scm cleanly exits after a few seconds here with either
> version of CHICKEN.
> > The program chokes after 133 rounds through the loop. No "out of memory'
> > message.
> I suppose that's a bug we fixed in 4.13.0; I seem to recall an issue like
> that where allocating near the maximum heap size would result in it
> triggering a GC, then filling up the heap immediately again etc, resulting
> in a GC loop, but I can't find it in NEWS right now.

Much better with 4.13. Thanks. I have it working up to 128G. I don't
understand the heap and will do some more reading but am I correct in
assuming that the size of the heap will determine the largest data
structure I can have in memory? I base this on seeing the VIRT column in
htop plateau at 128G when I used -:nm128G.

> > The process memory usage doesn't seem to grow and the program just
> > hangs. I added -B: but didn't get any output.
> Try the -:g option (debugging output for the GC); you'll quickly see that
> it's resizing the heap all the time to the same limit.
> Cheers,
> Peter
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