On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 14:09:01 +0200 felix.winkelm...@bevuta.com wrote:

> > [...]
> > multiple sets of files may already be possible with multiple component 
> > forms in the .egg, but installation into any nested subdirectories relative 
> > to the CHICKEN installation prefix is currently not possible.
> > 
> > For example, some include files provided with the protocol buffers egg 
> > would technically have to be stored in certain subdirectories of the C 
> > include path (<include>/extend/protobuf/...) for the protocol buffer 
> > compiler to pick them up correctly. Currently I have to move those files 
> > around manually after installation.
> Can you supply me with a sample .egg file that specifies
> the case you'd like to have supported?
> [...]

Hello Felix,

you could take a look at protobuf.egg in the CHICKEN 5 branch[1]. There
you will find a clause that reads:

  (c-include extend/protobuf

What I would like is to install these files as


what actually happens is that these files are installed as


but the .egg-info file lists


The inconsistency between the installation script and the .egg-info
file is probably a bug.

Additionally I propose that the (destination ...) form should be made
relative to the default target directory and create all specified
subdirectories as necessary, then I could just add a

  (destination "../extend/protobuf")

to the c-include form above and be happy.

At least this would make a lot more sense than the current behaviour
where a relative path in the destination form is relative to the source
directory where the egg is built, and the correct absolute path for the
destination can never be determined correctly at the time the .egg file
is written.


[1]: http://chust.org/repos/chicken-protobuf/doc/chicken-5/protobuf.egg

I think that in the nuclear world the true enemy can't be destroyed.
[...] In my humble opinion, in the nuclear world the true enemy is war
-- Cmdr. Hunter from the movie "Crimson Tide"

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