Isn't Termux similar to UserLand - a compatibility layer of sorts
similar to LXC or LXD? If so, I would not be surprised to see
incompatibilities. I had to do several hacks to get IUP working on

On Mon, 2018-11-19 at 13:10 +0100, Thomas Chust wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 13:19:10 +0300 Kristian Lein-Mathisen <kristianle
>> wrote:
> > 
> > [...]
> > I was trying tweetnacl on Termux on Android 9 and ran into this
> > problem:
> > 
> > u0_a191@localhost ~/p/chicken-5.0.0>
> > csi -R tweetnacl -p '(make-symmetric-sign-key)'
> > 
> > Error: (read-u8vector) bad argument type - not a port: #f
> > ....
> > 
> > This happens because tweetnacl creates its current-entropy-port
> > using
> > cond-expand with unix, windows or else, the latter which is
> > yielding the #f
> > error above.
> > [...]
> Hello,
> interesting, I would have thought that Android would qualify as a
> unixoid system since it has a Linux kernel! If there is some other
> feature identifier I should use that would indicate the system likely
> supports /dev/random, please let me know so I can adapt the tweetnacl
> code.
> Anyway, as a workaround to get tweetnacl running, you can simply do
>   (current-entropy-port (open-input-file "/dev/random"))
> by hand.
> I hope that helps :-)
> Ciao,
> Thomas
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