Dear list,

this is my first message so I take the opportunity to greet everyone.

I'm working on a minimal set of bindings [1] for the microhttpd library [2] and I'm heading against the following error:

   [panic] callback invoked in non-safe context - execution terminated

To set the context: the variadic function MHD_start_daemon starts the server to accept connection and calls back a Scheme function that provides the content to the client. I use the *bind* egg to generate the FFI although I tried the manual implementation via `(chicken foreign)` also, getting the same outcome. Can I ask help on this? The repository holds within the folder ./src a file microhttpd.scm that should contain the bindings; on the other hand, the file hello-world.scm contains a simple example taken from the official tutorial of the microhttpd project.

Thanks in advantage, cheers,


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