On 25.07.2019 10.36, Mark Janssen wrote:
I am currently working on a GraphQL PoC at work. The chicken deployment story combined with GraphQL suppport would be very nice.

Great, welcome aboard! It's always exciting to get things done faster.

1. Think about N+1 early, most real life projects will need some sort of dataloader. It's nice if it's integrated.

You have much more background for thinking about query performance than I do, so all suggestions are warmly welcome.

2. Allow a schema first approach. This helps with interop, I have seen dotnet graphql schemas which are easily recognizable as such.

I don't understand what any of that means :)

Current repo here: <https://github.com/lassik/graphql-chicken>.

We should find some communication channels so we don't spam chicken-users too much. I suggest we talk on the schemeweb mailing list (https://srfi.schemers.org/scheme-lists-subscribe.html). It aims to develop a portable Scheme web stack, so a GraphQL implementation would fit right in. It's very low-traffic ATM, so maybe more traffic would inspire more people to hack on web projects :) I personally like GitHub issues as well. Private email is fine. I don't normally use IRC but I can.

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