If you like, pastebin your init.el somewhere, then I'll check if I can spot any glaring errors. Other than that, I'm afraid I cannot help you. Maybe better ask the geiser folks.

On 8/3/19 4:47 PM, EfraimVagner via Chicken-users wrote:

1.  You only ever get auto-completion for the things you have
     loaded/imported in the geiser repl.

I know that what should happen, but is isn't what happaning.

2.  Is company mode active?

Yes, it works for some things (functions defines with define, for example)

3.  Did you install apropos and chicken-doc, and populated the
     documentation database with

$ cd `csi -R chicken.platform -p '(chicken-home)'`
$ curl https://3e8.org/pub/chicken-doc/chicken-doc-repo-5.tgz | sudo tar zx

No, I didn't do it before, but I tried it now and didn't change anything...

4.  Not sure why you need jedi? That's for python, no?

     On 8/2/19 10:19 AM, EfraimVagner via Chicken-users wrote:

I'm actually not sure, I don't really know what does what, so I just said what 
I installed.

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