
I'm glad that helped. But I suppose I should have explained my process,
instead of just giving you the end result - which clearly doesn't work once
you start adding imports like you have.

The error messages you're seeing (undefined reference to
`C_extras_toplevel') are coming from your C compilier. They mean that your
program is using a function which isn't defined anywhere, so we need to
find where C_extras_toplevel is defined.

There are probably a hundred different ways of finding the .c file which
defines a function. Here's and one. Install ctags and then run this:

 ~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤ ctags *.c
# creates a "grepable" file called tags

~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤ grep C_extras_toplevel tags
C_extras_toplevel       extras.c        /^void C_ccall
C_extras_toplevel(C_word c,C_word *av){$/;"    f   typeref:typename:void
# so it seems we need extras.c too

 ~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤ grep C_data_2dstructures_toplevel tags
C_data_2dstructures_toplevel    data-structures.c       /^void C_ccall
C_data_2dstructures_toplevel(C_word c,C_word *av){$/;"       f
 typeref:typename:void C_ccall
# and data-structures.c

 ~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤ gcc -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H hello.c -I . runtime.c
library.c eval.c expand.c modules.c internal.c chicken-syntax.c
build-version.c extras.c data-structures.c -lm -llog -o hello

Adding those two files to the gcc command should get your program to
compile properly. If not, you can find the missing .c files by grepping

Hope that helps.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2020, 02:57 亀田馬志 <masashi.kam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> >  gcc -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H hello.c -I . runtime.c library.c eval.c
> expand.c modules.c internal.c chicken-syntax.c build-version.c -lm -o hello
> Oh, yes. It works! Great! Thank you!
> But......
> I wrote a script like this.
> (import format (chicken io) (chicken string) (chicken process-context))
> (require-extension srfi-13)
> (let ((file-name (car (command-line-arguments))))
>   (with-input-from-file file-name
>     (lambda ()
>       (let loop ((ls0 '()) (c (read-line)))
>         (if (eof-object? c)
>             (for-each (lambda (x)
>                         (format #t
>                                 "時刻:~A秒,北緯:~A度~A分,東経:~A度~A分~%"
>                                 (+ (* (cadar x) 60) (caddar x))
>                                 (string-take (cadr x) 2)
>                                 (string-drop (cadr x) 2)
>                                 (string-take (caddr x) 3)
>                                 (string-drop (caddr x) 3)))
>                       (reverse ls0))
>             (let ((ls1 (string-split c ",")))
>               (if (string=? (car ls1) "$GPGGA")
>                   (loop (cons `(,(map string->number
>                                       (string-chop (list-ref ls1 1) 2))
>                                 ,(list-ref ls1 2)
>                                 ,(list-ref ls1 4)) ls0) (read-line))
>                   (loop ls0 (read-line)))))))))
> Sorry, some Japanese are mixed. But. Anyway.
> I try compiling with your way, and gcc gives me an error like this.
> /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccxVWfZy.o: in function `f_223':
> poichan-01-1.c:(.text+0x765): undefined reference to `C_extras_toplevel'
> /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccxVWfZy.o: in function `f_226':
> poichan-01-1.c:(.text+0x92d): undefined reference to
> `C_data_2dstructures_toplevel'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> Hmmmm.... Is there something wrong on the code?
> What are the C_extras_toplevel and C_data_wdstructures_toplevel?
> If I used some libraries from chicken-install, should I use the compiled
> "scheme to c" file too?
> There must be something more to learn around the Chicken Scheme more.....
> Anyway, you have helped me a lot! Thank you.
> 2020年8月13日(木) 14:56 Kristian Lein-Mathisen <kristianl...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I managed to get something working on my termux, maybe that can help you:
>> ~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤
>> echo '(print "hello")' > hello.scm           ~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤
>> ./csc -t hello.scm
>>  ~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤
>> gcc -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H hello.c -I . runtime.c library.c eval.c
>> expand.c modules.c internal.c chicken-syntax.c build-version.c -lm -llog -o
>> hello
>>  ~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤ ldd hello
>> libm.so
>> liblog.so
>> libdl.so
>> libc.so
>>  ~/o/chicken-5.2.0rc1  ➤ ./hello
>> hello
>> You can ignore -llog unless you're on Android.
>> So you don't need buildtag.h. Is there a reason you can't "csc -static
>> hello.scm" or "csc -static -C -static hello.scm" which is a more common
>> use-case?
>> Cheers,
>> K.
>> On Thu, Aug 13, 2020, 03:27 亀田馬志 <masashi.kam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>> > It seems there is a chicken-bin for U20.04LTS
>>> Yes, there is BINARY. I mean I could not find a SOURCE CODE package.
>>> (Usually, you can take source code from the Ubuntu repository if you
>>> wished to.)
>>> > did you try compiling hello.scm to hello.c with that?
>>> Yes, I did.
>>> To write a single file with Scheme codes, and to compile to a SINGLE c
>>> file, it is a piece of cake.
>>> > Are you reading the manual for Chicken 5
>>> Yes, of course. I followed the instructions on it.
>>> You may see there:
>>> "Compiled to C, we get hello.c. We need the files chicken.h,
>>> chicken-config.h, buildtag.h and runtime.c, which contain the basic
>>> runtime system, plus the library files build-version.c, chicken-syntax.c
>>> , eval.c, expand.c, internal.c, library.c and modules.c, which contain
>>> the same functionality as the library that is linked into plain
>>> CHICKEN-compiled applications:"
>>> However, as you may notice, there is no buildtag.h generated even though
>>> you built Chicken Scheme from its source code.
>>> Therefore, you can not proceed to the rest process using /tmp described
>>> next.
>>> > perhaps the manual is outdated?
>>> OMBuddha. If what you are saying were right....what should I do!?
>>> Thanks.
>>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>
>>>  ウイルス
>>> フリー。 www.avast.com
>>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>
>>> <#m_-3771291668364076337_m_2995656887587357561_m_-6378871799878235639_m_-3841790857946966358_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>>> 2020年8月13日(木) 6:39 Kristian Lein-Mathisen <kristianl...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> It seems there is a chicken-bin for U20.04LTS [1], did you try
>>>> compiling hello.scm to hello.c with that? What is it that you're trying to
>>>> acheive?
>>>> I don't seem to have any buildtag.h either, perhaps the manual is
>>>> outdated?
>>>> Are you reading the manual for Chicken 5 [2]?
>>>> K.
>>>>     [1]: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/interpreters/chicken-bin
>>>>   [2]:
>>>> http://wiki.call-cc.org/man/5/Deployment#distributing-compiled-c-files
>>>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2020, 21:28 亀田馬志 <masashi.kam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> I tried following and obeying the instructions described in
>>>>> Deployment, the manual of Chicken Scheme, in order to cock-a-do-do
>>>>> "Distributing compiled C files", but it did not work well.
>>>>> 1. Ubuntu Repository provides no source code of Chicken Scheme
>>>>> I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, currently an OS under the feather, and I
>>>>> could not find the source code of Chicken Scheme in its repository. 
>>>>> Neither
>>>>> in Debian? I do not know.
>>>>> Hen_ce, I had to build Chicken Scheme from its source code.
>>>>> 2. Where the chick can I find buildtag.h?
>>>>> I switched to using Windows 10, and made an environment of Ubuntu with
>>>>> WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux). There I built a Chicken Scheme from its
>>>>> source, and followed the instructions. BUT. I could not find buildtag.h
>>>>> there even though the manual says "generated by the build process". Did
>>>>> I miss something? Is there any special way to get buildtag.h?
>>>>> 3. Anyway tried compiling "Hello World", but getting a bunch of error
>>>>> messages.
>>>>> I did not know whether compiling with gcc worked well or not without
>>>>> buildtag.h, but I tried. The result was a bunch of errors, something like
>>>>> this:
>>>>> "/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccJKB9L5.o: in function `C_modules_toplevel':
>>>>> modules.c:(.text+0xad58): undefined reference to
>>>>> `C_chicken_2dsyntax_toplevel'
>>>>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status"
>>>>> Something related to toplevel stuff did not work well. As egg-spected?
>>>>> Maybe, yes.
>>>>> Well, is there any technique of "Distributing compiled C files"
>>>>> outside of the manual, or is there anything I did wrong(especially in the
>>>>> building process)?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>
>>>>>  ウイルス
>>>>> フリー。 www.avast.com
>>>>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>
>>>>> <#m_-3771291668364076337_m_2995656887587357561_m_-6378871799878235639_m_-3841790857946966358_m_692582290224770852_m_6593347720704535955_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

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