Hello everyone,

The coding jam inspired me to look into GUI eggs again. I found a
GTK-server [1]_ demo by Felix from 2005 [2]_, turned it into a
gtk-server egg and ported all bundled examples. It may very well be the
most advanced (though not the most pleasant) option to use for building
graphical user interfaces, as it exposes a "textual FFI" to GTK and
related libraries (such as GDK, Cairo, Poppler, Webkit and more). The
only prerequisite is a `gtk-server` binary on your system. It took me
longer to package GTK-server for my system than writing the egg. I still
plan to look into other libraries for simpler and more fun approaches
(such as ezd and nuklear).

The documentation and release-info file are at
<https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/gtk-server> and
<https://depp.brause.cc/gtk-server/gtk-server.release-info>. Both
`salmonella` and `test-new-egg` pass.


[1]: http://gtk-server.org/
[2]: http://gtk-server.org/demo-stdin.scm.txt

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