Currently you can switch to R7RS more by installing the egg and running csc
with "-R R7RS -X R7RS", which is a mouthful, and could be abbreviated, that
doesn't look to me like too much hassle.

Anybody for a "-r7rs" option that does the above?

+1 for an easy command line flag!

Gauche and Sagittarius Scheme have an "-r" flag so you can run "sagittarius -r 6" or "gosh -r 7". Using one flag gives simple upward compatibility to "-r 8", "-r 9" in the future, and also non-RnRS standards or modes, should the need arise. Neither csc nor csi is yet using the "-r" flag for anything, so the uniformity would be nice. It also has nice symmetry with the upper case "-R" flag for extensions.

A good question. I think the Chicken "native" language and module system
is likely to be used more often than a R7RS mode, so I don't think there are
any attempts to make Chicken "more R7RS". As you say, the differences
are not that substantial.

If there are few substantial differences, it would be a boon to writing portable code if the same syntax is eventually used as for standard R7RS libraries, and the same filename conventions are supported as other R7RS implementations (the .sld filename extension for an R7RS library is becoming a de facto standard). You already support (include "...") and (cond-expand ...) in a similar manner as R7RS.

Here's how a typical module would look, before:

(module lowdown


  (import scheme)

    (import chicken)
    (use data-structures
    (import (chicken base)
            (chicken irregex)
            (srfi 1)
            (clojurian syntax)
            (lowdown lolevel)

  ...code here...)

And after:

(define-library (lowdown)
  (export markdown->sxml
    (import (scheme base)
            (chicken base)
            (chicken irregex)
            (srfi 1)
            (clojurian syntax)
            (lowdown lolevel)
  (begin ...code here...))

Functors could use the existing syntax:

(functor (squaring-functor (M (multiply))) (square)
  (import scheme M)
  (define (square x) (multiply x x)))

or spell it `define-functor` for consistency.

It should be possible to preserve the old (module ...) and (functor ...) syntax for backward compatibility so current modules keep working with no code changes.

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