On Mon, Sep 05, 2022 at 09:53:11PM +0200, Daniel Ziltener wrote:
> Hmm, right... I have never sent in an egg with a submodule. Seems like Gitea
> cannot pack submodules so far. So what I did for now is to add a "generated
> source" to the egg file that triggers a "git clone" of a hardcoded commit of
> tomlc99. I ran "test-new-egg" on it which succeeded. I hope this is an
> acceptable approach?

Not really - that way "chicken-install -retrieve" would be unable to
retrieve the entire sources.  The idea is that chicken-install's build
process should be possible to run entirely offline.

Instead, you could generate the tarballs yourself and host them
somewhere.  Or you could use git's subtree feature instead of submodule,
perhaps Gitea *can* pack those.


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