On 2024-01-10 08:15:, Jim Unroe wrote:
>CHIRP CSV files often have multiple trailing commas at the end of each line 
>due to the URXALL, RPT1CALL, RPT2CALL and DVCODE fields rarely being used. 
>Power,Comment,URCALL,RPT1CALL,RPT2CALL,DVCODE 5.00,,Low,,,,, Excel is known to 
>remove multiple trailing commas at the end of a line. When CHIRP reads the CSV 
>file where the trailing commas have been removed, the trailing data will be 
>read into the wrong fields. Excel always works fine if there is alway 
>something in the last field of each line. I've read that there is a setting 
>that you can enable in excel that tells it to leave trailing commas alone. I 
>don't have excel so I can't verify this. Perhaps it would be possible to have 
>CHIRP always resync with the beginning of the CSV file's next line when a 
>linefeed is encountered? Jim KC9HI 

// This is the discussion that I need to capture in my notes for the ARES 
group. // I have been "lucky" not to have run into this in the past. And wrt 
the present file, all channels end with a comment, so if there are blank 
fields, the csv will be correctly formatted (IAW your trailing  ,,, comment).

I will look into Excel settings, but any rate, I need to caution the group. 
I've never had a problem with chirp, but then I am fairly computer literate, 
and I don't know how that enhances my chirp experiences.

...and finally...
>so I can't verify this. Perhaps it would be possible to have CHIRP always 
>resync with the beginning of the CSV file's next line when a linefeed is 
>encountered? Jim KC9HI 

Absolutely common sense. Would be surprise were it not already the case...

73 Rich NE1EE
The Dusty Key
On the banks of the Piscataqua

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